Author Archives: Veronica Cavera

Rejuvenate Your Workforce, Enhance Productivity

Utilities across the country are successfully developing and implementing workforce flexibility and skill-based compensation programs that are key to workplace innovation. Workforce flexibility gives employees the opportunity to learn and practice new skills, while skill-based compensation provides the motivation and reward for those new skills. This article looks at the benefits of each and how …

Be Pro, Be Proud as a Water Professional

Historically, the prevailing belief has been that “you must go to college to get a good job.” Although this was true for previous generations, access to college has become more attainable today, leading to less interest and a deficit in the skilled trades workforce. Our society requires a balance between college education and skilled trades. …

AWWA Water Champion – Sandy Smith, Cleveland, Georgia

Sandy Smith, national manager of sales, service, testing and business development for Burnett, Inc., was recognized at ACE24 for his “Outstanding Service to AWWA.” He has been an influential volunteer with AWWA and the Georgia Section, including as GAWWA Section Chair and member of the AWWA Board of Directors, the Water Utility Council, and current …

AWWA embraces water sector leadership in new 2030 Strategic Plan

The new 2030 Strategic Plan, which will be in effect through the end of 2029, is the guiding document for AWWA and its operations. It defines the Association’s vision, mission and core principles, while laying out strategic goals and objectives. It was approved by AWWA’s Board of Directors during its June meeting at the 2024 Annual …

AWWA designates board seat to include next generation of leaders

AWWA’s board includes four directors at large (DAL). At the board’s January 2024 meeting, members approved a proposed change to the AWWA bylaws to designate one DAL position for an active AWWA member age 35 or younger. Another DAL position is designated for a service provider volunteer, and the other two do not have any …

State of the Water Industry 2024 Released

Aging water infrastructure and the ability to secure financing for capital improvements continue to be among the top challenges that North American water systems grapple with, according to the American Water Works Association’s (AWWA) newly-released 2024 State of the Water Industry (SOTWI) report. Follow the link to download your copy of the State of the Water …